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Fermentation Recipes

HOME > Recipes > Shio-koji (salt-fermented koji)

Let it ferment long enough, so as to develop more umami flavor.

Shio-koji (salt-fermented koji)

Let it ferment long enough, so as to develop more umami flavor.

Ingredients 300 g koji
100 g salt
300 cc water
Method of preparation
  • 1.

    Place the koji in a bowl. Add salt, and then massage the koji by hand. Then, add water to stir.

  • 2.

    Pour the mixture into a jar and loosely cover it with a lid, allowing some airflow. Let it mature in a cool, dark place for one to two months (or a little longer in winter). (If using Terada Honke’s KAMUTACHI, a specially prepared koji made from sprouted brown rice, reserve two to three months because the fermentation process takes longer.)

  • For the first one or two weeks, stir it once a day in summer, or every four to five days in winter. Once the koji ferments to a certain extent and you start smelling alcohol, you can stir less frequently, once a week or so. The shio-koji will be ready to be used when the fermentation becomes inactive and when both the taste and flavor settle in.

  • If you are using brown rice koji, the fermentation process can be accelerated by blending the mix to your preferred texture with a blender, etc.